DYRL – Digital Yachting Real Life

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PRESENTATION “DYRL” Digital Yachting Real Life” PROJECT ISYL, the ITS Academy Foundation for Sustainable Mobility and Logistics in Tuscany, develops its training activities for the training of Higher Technicians for the maritime professions and strengthens their skills thanks to a system of interconnected tools and environments able to offer a complete picture of the technologies and innovations that characterise the yachting and sustainable logistics sector. With this orientation in mind, the DYRL project, financed by PNRR funds, has been defined and launched. It envisages the enhancement of training laboratories to enable the didactics to develop the technological knowledge of trainees more effectively and up-to-date. Three ‘laboratories’ will be available as interconnected systems of technologies and processes: Yachting Laboratories, Port Laboratory and Logistics Laboratory. Yachting Workshops Isyl has designed the reproduction of processes and products using 4.0 technologies, through the use of mockups, components and software systems integrated in a single space that will be set up at the Atelier Palazzo delle Muse in Via Mazzini in Viareggio. It will be like being in a shipyard with the construction or refit order of a large yacht at the centre.Teachers and students will be able to work and interact from the process from design to order management, highlighting and testing in the laboratory the processes, assemblies, systems and navigation instruments of a yacht.Thanks to 4.0 technologies, each phase of the yacht creation cycle will be simulated and tested “live” on the various parts and phases of the work order and assembly. Port Laboratory A platform for managing and simulating the berthing and service functions of a marina has been identified to enable the administrative processes and technical operations of berthing and stationing in a port to be simulated.Learners will be able to simulate the process of accepting reservations, mooring and reception in a port, control systems and administrative management of services. Logistics Laboratory This is a space dedicated to shipping processes and the management of port traffic of goods and people. Using a simulation platform, it will be possible to manage negotiations and documentation relating to the import or export of goods, people and complex objects and to follow their intermodal logistics flow ashore. The laboratory will also be equipped with ERP software dedicated to the management of warehouses and logistics terminals.