Higher technician for the efficiency, installation and maintenance of on-board electrical and electronic systems
Higher technician for the efficiency, installation and maintenance of on-board electrical and electronic systems
The deck officer mainly performs watchkeeping duties, takes part in the manoeuvres of the ship and supervises the inspection and maintenance of parts of the ship, in particular to ensure the perfect efficiency of navigation and communication instruments for the safety of the ship.
The Yachting Builder Technician works in the technical offices of shipyards to design, draw and plan installations, fittings, assemblies of parts and components of the ship, verifying coherence with the overall project and collaborating in the definition of the technical specifications needed in the production phases.
The technician leaving the route works in the different cycles of intermodal transport, their relations and integrations, large infrastructure systems, as well as related IT, also applying the principles of project management, intervenes in the management of the different processes of the logistics chain.
The Master Boatman is the key figure in the management of a shipyard’s order, whether for the construction of new yachts or refits; the Master Boatman supports the project manager, the shipyard manager where present and the owner or his representatives.
YAS 4 – Yachting Surveyor “Yas 4” Yachting Management/Surveyor: figura professionale esperta nella gestione dell’imbarcazione generale e, nello specifico, degli impianti e degli apparati.
Svolge e organizza tutte le attività di controlli inerenti l’intera imbarcazione e gli impianti, rifacendosi a normative precise e a determinati standard di qualità.
The Advanced Marine and Marina Management Technician supports the port management and office in the coordination of services, management and organisation, and the response to customer needs. He works with modern tools for the digitisation of processes between port and vessel.
“LINE2” Luxury International Expert Esperto nella promozione e l’internazionalizzazione dei settori nautico e moda !Figura nazionale di Tecnico Superiore per il Marketing e l’internazionalizzazione delle imprese promotore del Made in Italy ed esperto in attività di marketing e internazionalizzazione delle imprese nel settore del lusso.
DURATA: Corso biennale – 1100 ore di teoria, 900 di stage DESTINATARI: Il corso è rivolto a 25 diplomati/laureati 18-35 anni (non compiuti) SCADENZA PRESENTAZIONE
Organizzato da: Capofila del progetto Vuoi specializzarti nel marketing del settore lusso? Acquisisci le competenze per la promozione e l’internazionalizzazione dei settori nautico e moda!Figura